Sunday, 11 December 2011

Hey y'all

 I soooo did not realize I had 8 followers!!! I just went on my blog just to see how its going and--------- hey!!!!!!!
I cant say I'll be a regular blogger but I'll try my hardest. I'd like to give a shout out to my AMAZING, CLEVER, FUNNY, BOSSY (OBVSY-DOO) , TASTIC, STRONG, FLEXIBLE, TALENTED BFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF NAOMI BRIER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry Vera I know that was your pic for Tiana your BFFFFFFFFFFF but its agood one. Dosent mean I havent stop checking out all y'alls blog. I m not american btw.

I did know I had  8 followers but I forgot my password!!! Yepsy-doo Naomi did as well with her Twitter. Should I get Twitter????????????
Naomi and I share that we forget really obvsy-doo things like passwords.
xxxxxxxxxoooooooooxxxxxxxxxoooooooooxxxxxxxxxooooooo also I've forgotton how to follow blogs cuz I found a nice one and I dont know how.
see i told you i forget things xxxxxooooooooooooooo